Payment Splits
Payment Splits are a way to get multiple Planning Lines created from a single Item.
Classic uses are:
- Electrical Rough-in and Finishing where the contract always has 75% for Rough-in and 25% for finishing.
- Framing where there is an initial charge of 40% upon completion of floor one, 40% for floor two, and a final 20% upon completion.
Rather than having a split, sometimes it is better to create two Items e.g., Electrical Rough-in and Electrical Finishing. One reason for this (as explained in the Limitations section below), is that you cannot have a different task on the same Item for a different Split. To clarify this topic, see the following two comments: You will not be able to link Split 1 to Task 1 and Split 2 to Task 2. All splits are always automatically applied to the same task.
The Payment Split feature is fully functional, however, there are limitations compared to the way "base" Items work. These instructions assume thorough knowledge of HomeBuilder and Business Central.
Read the following before determining if Split Payments are the correct choice for the Item you are entering:
- The split is only done at the time of “Siting” the Model on the Lot. This means, that until then all entries are one line e.g. the Model Item. Upon Siting, the Split will create 2, 3, 4... Planning Lines.
- You can have only one Construction Workflow Task for an Item. This means that splits might not work well where the completion of the first split is separated by a significant amount of time from the second.
- You cannot change the Split in any way after the fact (split percentage, split type, etc.), you will need to create a new Contract with a different split.
- If you need to update the value on the Vendor Contract, you cannot update the existing Planning Lines costs with the “Push to Lots” function. You must update the Planning Lines manually.
- The Vendor and Vendor Contract must be in place on the Phase Item for the split to work; this is no different from how items are treated with any contract. This is more of a note to remind you that if you get no split, check that you have assigned the contract on the Phase Item.
How to Setup
- Search "Payment Splits" and create a split if it does not already exist.
- In the header:
- The Code and Name of Split are informational only.
- Split By - Percent is the standard choice.
- If you select "Use Quantity 1" then the cost is split, otherwise, the quantity is split.
- In the Lines
- Create one line per split to add up to 100% for percent splits.
- The description you enter into the lines is automatically entered before the Item Description in the Planning Lines.
- In the header:
- Enter the Split code that you have created to the Vendor Contract lines
- Enter line by line (copy down using the F8 function to save time).
Percentage Splits are easy to handle, Split by Amounts exists as an option but is only for highly specific scenarios and can create confusing results. If your Item will have a quantity greater than one e.g., 100 Sq ft (M), then: You must use Split by Percent and NOT "Use Quantity 1". Do not use Split by Amount in this scenario. Only use Split by Amount after extensive testing in your Sandbox or Test Company.