Lot Budget
The Budget for a Lot can be revised multiple times. Managing Lot Budgets is carried out via Lot Budget Revisions.
2 Options to Create a Lot Budget
Option 1- Lot Model still unknown, no Template Model
To open the page with the current Budget Revision, click the action "Budget" on the "Lot Card" or "Lots" page.
Initially, the page "Lot Budget" is empty, to populate Lot Budget Lines, press the action "Add Revision".
In the pop-up page enter "Revision Date" and press OK.
Populating Lot Budget Lines directly from Cost Details
Any posting related to a Lot is possible only if the Lot has Lot budget lines with Cost Details that are referenced by that posting.
There could be a need for posting against a Lot that has no Model Code assigned to it yet. When a user adds budget revision to such a Lot, the Lot budget lines cannot be automatically populated from a Model Budget.
To populate Lot budget lines for Cost Details required for posting against the Lot, proceed with the following steps:
- Make sure that the Lot has a Budget Revision (add one if necessary)
- Search Cost Details. Select the Cost Details you want, then Push the selected Cost Details to Lots by running the Action "Push to Lots".
In the pop-up page, select destination Lots and click "Push to Lots".
Option 2 (recommended)
Search Lots and select the Lot. On the Model Code line assign the Model to the Lot (In case it is not yet known which Model will be sited on the Lot, Create a Template Model with the standard Budget Lines and assign it to the Lot).
Assigning a Model to the Lot will create a Lot Budget (from Model Budget Lines) and will create the first Budget Revision automatically.
- The "Estimated Amount" will be transferred over. To view the Budget Line of a specific Revision, filter the records by "Revision No." Field using the page filter.
Lot Budget Lines within a Revision have the following columns:
Revision No.
- Auto-increments on adding new revisions.
Revision Date.
- The Revision Date entered by a user during the creation of a new revision.
Is Current.
- Indicates if the revision is current.
Is Revenue.
- Retrieved from Cost Group.
Budget Amount Rule.
- This is a read-only field retrieved from the Cost Detail record. It defines the rule for calculating the "Budget Amount" in the Lot Budget Lines. The rule takes the following options:
- Planned|Estimated
- Use Planned Amounts if they exist
- The reason is that Planned Amounts come from Vendor Contracts where estimates are just intended to be initial estimates created before quotes are obtained.
- The calculation is – if "Planned Amount" is not zero then "Budget Amount" is equal to "Planned Amount"; otherwise to "Estimated Amount".
- Use Planned Amounts if they exist
- Planned
- "Budget Amount" is equal to "Planned Amount".
- Estimated
- "Budget Amount" is equal to "Estimated Amount".
- Estimated+Planned
- "Budget Amount" is equal to "Estimated Amount" + "Planned Amount".
- Planned|Estimated
- This is a read-only field retrieved from the Cost Detail record. It defines the rule for calculating the "Budget Amount" in the Lot Budget Lines. The rule takes the following options:
Is Anchored.
- This field indicates if the budget line was anchored.
- The application allows a user to "anchor" the Budget Line, in other words, to secure the "Estimated Amount" at a certain point in time and record it in the "Anchored Amount" field, which will stay there regardless of the changes of the "Estimated Amount" in the future revisions. The purpose of anchoring is to create future references for external auditing. Anchoring is not mandatory and should be used only if the business requires it.
Anchored Amount.
- Amount secured from changes by action "Anchor" for future reference. The field is editable only in the current revision and if the flag "Is Anchored" is set to 'No'.
Estimated Amount.
- Amount based on estimation which is entered into the system manually either through a Model Budget or directly to a Lot Budget line. On changing "Estimated Amount", the "Amendment of Est. Amount" gets re-calculated as an "Estimated Amount" – "Prev. Estimated Amount".
Prev. Estimated Amount.
- Estimated Amount in the previous revision. It is 0.00 for the first revision.
Amendment of Est. Amount.
- Change of the "Estimated Amount" since the previous revision. On entering this value, the "Estimated Amount" gets calculated as "Prev. Estimated Amount" plus the "Amendment of Est. Amount".
Planned Cost Amount.
- The amount that is retrieved from Lot Planning Lines with the same "Cost Detail Code" as the "Cost Detail Code" in the Lot Budget Line. Double-click on the cell will open the page with Lot planning lines which constitute the cost amount.
Planned Revenue Amount.
- The amount that is retrieved from Lot Planning Lines with the same "Cost Revenue Code" as the "Cost Detail Code" in the Lot Budget Line. Double-click on the cell will open the page with Lot Planning Lines which constitute the revenue amount.
Planned Amount.
- Full planned amount, which is the sum of the "Planned Cost Amount" and the "Planned Revenue Amount".
Committed Amount.
- "Planned Amount" at the time of creation of the revision.
Budget Amount.
- The amount calculated based on "Estimated Amount" and/or "Planned Amount" and "Budget Amount Rule".
Actual Amount.
- The amount that was posted with the "Cost Detail Code" and retrieved from a sub-ledger called "Job Cost Ledger Entries". Double-click on the cell will open the page with Job Cost Ledger Entries which constitute the actual amount.
Amount to Complete.
- "Amount to Complete" is calculated as the "Budget Amount" minus the "Actual Amount".
Actions on the page "Lot Budget".
To access, search Lots and select the Lot. On the Lot page click the Budget Action Button or click the Budget cue on the right-hand side of Infopane. This will open the page Lot Budget with the following actions:
- Add Revision.
- This action adds a new revision with the "Revision Date" specified in the pop-up page.
- If there is no Revision for a Lot, the Lot Budget Lines of the first revision will be created from the Model Budget Lines.
- If a Revision exists, the Budget Lines will be created from the lines of the previous Revision. In this case, the "Prev. Estimated Amount" gets populated from the "Estimated Amount" in the previous Revision.
- In both cases, "Committed Amount" gets populated from "Planned Cost Amount" or "Planned Revenue Amount" at the time of the creation of the Revision.
- This action adds a new revision with the "Revision Date" specified in the pop-up page.
- Remove the Latest Revision.
- The action removes the latest Revision and its Budget Lines.
- Anchor.
- This action anchors the Budget, i.e. sets the flag "Anchored" to 'Yes' for all Budget Lines of the latest Revision. Afterward, the field "Anchored Amount" becomes non-editable.
- Un-anchor.
- This action is opposite to anchoring.
- Budget Revisions.
- This action shows the list of Budget Revisions for the Lot.
- History.
- This action shows the history of change in the current Budget Line.
- Cost Detail (Excel).
- This action outputs a Lot Budget in the form of an Excel report with sub-totaling by Cost Groups.
- Report option fields "Date From", and "Date To" determine the period for the report column "Actual for Period".
- Field "Date To" determines the date for the report column "Actual To Date".
- The amount "To Complete" is calculated as "Budget" amount minus "Actual to Date".