After-Sales and Warranty
This article provides an overview of the Inspections, Service Issues, and Warranty functionality in the HomeBuilder System. For illustrative flowcharts describing the process, see Standardised Inspections Process Check Inspections Setup Requirements to reviewinitial implementation requirements.
The Help File Structure
The After-Sales and Warranty section in Homebuilder Help Files has the following structure:
Standardised Inspections Process - is an excellent introduction to the general high-level options you have when using the HomeBuilder Inspections Module.
- Recommended Inspections Flow (PDI, QA) - describes details for performing the Recommended Inspections Flow (PDI, QA) Inspection Type with an illustrative flowchart.
- Recommended Inspections Flow (Ad Hoc) - illustrates performing the said Inspection Type and contains a flowchart. Please note that performing an Inspection requires certain setups to be completed. Its details are in the articles in the After-Sales and Warranty" section. (this section) Performing an Inspection - this article is a step-by-step explanation of the inspection process and contains an instructional video. It was created for persons performing the inspection. Inspection Card - It describes the components of the Inspection Card which is the starting point for most inspections. Read this article to familiarize yourself with the components of the system.
- Checklist - It is a description of the Checklist that is used during the Inspection Process. Since all "Pre-organized inspections that follow a pre-determined list of areas and things to inspect", i.e. a Checklist,
- inspectors should read the first half of the article, i.e.: "Check List Entries page"
- office support should read the entire article to understand how the Checklist works. Service Issues and Work Orders - it explains how an office clerk can manage to resolve service issues. Persons performing the inspections and the office support managing service issues uncovered during the inspection are the audience for this Help File. Office clerks will benefit from all articles listed here, except Inspections Setup Requirements. Inspectors should start with Performing an Inspection and evaluate needs afterward. Inspections Setup Requirements - This article is part of HomeBuilder Base Setup section. It is very technical and explains the required HomeBuilder setup and the interplay between the system tables. The addresses are:
- Technically inclined people in your organization.
- HomeBuilder consultants or partners.