Implementing Homebuilder-Processes
This part of the Help File should be worked on after all processes from the HomeBuilder Install and Subscribe Help Files Section have been thoroughly reviewed and completed.
Create your HomeBuilder Company and Activate It
Once the license configuration is complete, a new Company can be created. This Company will first be used to setup the configuration of your future Live Company. Once the setup is ready, it can be copied to one or more Live Companies.
Search for “Companies” and open the Companies Page. To create a new Company:
- Give the Company a name in the first selection box.
- In the “Select the data…” section, change to the option “Create New – No Data”. This will open a new Company Template with no Demo data to interfere with your setup.
- You may receive language or location comments. Accept them and move on.
- In the next screen click on Manage Users and add your users.
- Click Finish and your company will be created – this process takes ten or more minutes to complete.
Configuring environment in the New Company
After about ten minutes lapses, change your current company to the newly created one. Click on the Cog (top right of the whole BC menu) and select “My Settings”.
- Change the role to “Homebuilder Admin”.
- Change the Company to the one that you just created.
- "Search” for “HomeBuilder” and choose “HomeBuilder License Selections”.
- Click on the button “Edit List”.
- Click on the drop-down option on the License Type field and choose “Active” for the company that you just created – accept the messages and click through.
The person or persons performing implementation should have a SUPER User Permission Set.
- To verify, search Users, open your User Card, and navigate to the User Permission Sets.
- In the Permissions set field, the Code should read SUPER. The field Description "This role has all Permissions".
- Additionally, ensure the other Permission Set requirements are fulfilled - check Functional Permissions and Roles
Creating a Template Company
There are 2 options to create a Template company that will be used as a base for further customization to your needs:
Option 1: Migrate the whole Template Company
When possible, migration of the Template Company directly into your Tenant (Server with MS Business Central system) will take place.
Option 2: Import Configuration Packages- Data Migration
You now have a blank company licensed and activated for HomeBuilder. In that company, search Configuration Packages and import the following tables into your new Company- they can be supplied by your Implementation Partner:
HomeBuilder Notes
- Import these Configuration Packages in the sequence provided.
- If you see any errors, re-apply the package immediately
- If some errors persist, investigate. In most cases, continue with uploading the following Configuration Packages.
- When you reach package HBT-030.ITEM&EXPAN (before you migrate it) Interrupt the process.
- Re-apply Configuration Packages that had errors in the past.
- Use Item Worksheet Templates to import your Items to the system. Click Item Worksheet Manual for details.
- Continue with Packages HBT-030.ITEM&EXPAN and onwards.
- Many Users prefer to manually (use the system) create Lots rather than use Packages- as long as there are fewer than about 50 Lots. Otherwise, use:
- HBT-050.LOT_JOB 1 Table
- HBT-054.LOT Budget Line 1 table
- If you are not going to use Inspections in Homebuilder, skip Packages:
- If you are not going to use Color Chars / Selection Packages, skip HBT-075W1.COL. CHART
- Note this process is bringing system configuration. It does not bring your history, i.e.: transactions.
Post Import Manual Updates
Add GL Accounts to Setup Tables
After you have imported up to the Chart of Accounts you must manually verify or add some of the GL Accounts to the Setup tables that were imported. The minimum configuration points are searchable and are as follows:
- Customer Posting Group – Receivables Account.
- Vendor Posting Group – Payables Account and Retainage Control Acc.
- Bank Posting Group – G/L Bank Account No.
- General Posting Setup:
- Sales and Sales Credit Accounts.
- Purchase and Purchase Credit Accounts (these are commonly in the Assets section of the balance sheet as accumulated costs of purchase invoices of the Items. These are commonly released to the Income Statement at year-end).
- “Tax Jurisdiction” CAON: GL Accounts added to”.
- “Tax Account (Sales)”.
- “Tax Account (Purchases)” – ITCs.
- “Reverse Charge (Purchases)” -typically the same as “Tax Account (Purchases)”.
If you need additional GL accounts, feel free to add them manually now. Search COA and add accounts.
Configure General Journal Templates
Search General Journal Templates, click Batches, and create General Journal Batches you will be using. For example:
- CASHRCPT for Cash Receipts. As Bal Account type put Bank. Enter your bank as the Bal. Account No.
- “Standard General Journal Line” for the “Journal Template Name” – “CLADJUST”.
In "General Journal Templates"; turn on the flag "Copy to Posted Jnl. Lines" to enable viewing posted entries for (at least) the following templates:
Select Standard Adjustment Journals to complete all steps.
My HomeBuilder Settings
Search "My HomeBuilder Settings".
Set a default filter for the phase of Phases. The filter will be used for displaying records on multiple pages such as Page Cues, Lots, Models, Work Orders, Lot Installments, Selection Packages, etc. This setting takes effect for each user individually.
Important Questions to Ask
Decisions you make using the attached questionnaire will determine the path to follow during the rest of your HomeBuilder implementation:
- Will you want to schedule tasks in HomeBuilder, or do you leave this with the site super?
- No scheduling – fill in on HomeBuilder setup the default Workflow Template and Workflow Template Task.
- Will you want The Color Chart?
- The system depends on the Full Color Chart if you want the budget to actual for costs and guided selection for the Décor designer with the purchaser.
- You need to setup a huge catalogue.
- Push the Items to the Models.
- Vendor contracts.
- The system depends on the Full Color Chart if you want the budget to actual for costs and guided selection for the Décor designer with the purchaser.
- A simple Color Chart is sufficient if you allow the décor designer to select from a limited list and manually enter the price and also enter the cost if you want.
- Just create simple items e.g., Carpet Upgrades.
- Push the Items to the Models.
- After releasing the Lot Selection Package, go to Package Work Planning and enter the Choice Planning Lines for vendor.
- Phase Color Selections: How does the "Populate" Action Button work?
- For each Item, there is a list of House Areas.
- For each Item, there is an Item Category.
- For each Item, I can flag the Item as a Color Chart Item.
- For the Phase, there are Models attached to them.
- Under each model, there is also a list of House Areas.
- After the populate go into the Phase Color Selections:
- Can select if it is mandatory or not.
- For each Item Category/House Area add at least one item to Selection Options; more if you like and set default if you want.
- Do you want after-sales service?
- Setup new items with designation after-sales.
- Deficiency Types for the Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) – assign the relevant item.
- Create the Checklist items for the PDI.
- Attach Deficiency Types to Checklist items.
- Attach Checklist Items to House Areas.
The Next Steps
The roadmap for implementing HomeBuilder is below. You should work in the sequence listed. It is imperative that you do not skip any article or step. If you do, there will be a portion of the configuration missing and it will be time-consuming to find where it is.
Complete Implementing HomeBuilder Section
Proceed to complete the steps outlined in the following articles in sequence:
- Cost Groups and Details - this setup enables reporting and automates data entry in the long run. It should be present for you
- Implementation of Construction Items - This article will require you to use information from interconnected articles. They are clearly listed.
- Implementation of Color Charts - work through this article only if you plan on implementing Color Charts.
Complete other articles from the Implementing Homebuilder Help File Section.
HomeBuilder Base Setup Section
- HomeBuilder Base Setup - This Help File section should be worked on in the sequence that is provided in the Help Files (this section), article by article. Certain Help Files in this section will not require configuration of the HomeBuilder System, but a review of the setup or your awareness of the currend configuration and the options available.
Financial Setup Section
- Financial Setup - this Help File section should also be reviewed in the sequence provided. Some articles might only require you to be aware of the options or functionality available, depending on your company processes.
Financial Operations
- Financial Operations - review this section of Help Files only in the areas that you are going to use. For instance, some Production Homebuilders do not use Work In Process (WIP) in HomeBuilder If this is your case, skip these articles.
- This section is about day-to-day operations. However, before your admin staff can work with repetitive processes, initial setup should be in place and reviewed to ensure it fits your needs.
What Might You Want to Review and Adjust?
The suggested records might work for you as a starting position, so we provide them in the Configuration Packages listed above. When open your first Company, you should already have:
- Lot Types.
- Cost Codes.
- Base Contract Items. You can search our Help Files to find information as you need it.
The following list contains tables and data that are ready, i.e. pre-configured, but will likely require modifications:
- Global Item Category (70526205).
- Global Cat. House Area (70526206).
- House Areas + sub tables:
- House Area Measurement.
- Applicable Checklist Items (used for PDI).
- Global Key Date Category (70526200).
- Key Date Category (70526170).
- Key Dates.
- Key Date Templates.
- Key Date Template Item (70526173).
- Closing Date Types.
- Closing Dates.
Bringing in History
This part is often called Data Migration. It is a specialized and multifaceted process that is best conducted by or in conjunction with, your HomeBuilder Partner.
- GL Open balance.
- Open AP.
- Open Bank Ledgers.
Preparing Operations
Above we dealt with implementation topics that had to be completed in a sequence and without skipping steps. The following Help Files discuss your operations which must be configured depending on your preferences and needs.
- Construction Catalogue,i.e.: various categories of Constrcution Items. Essential setup is already present in your company.
- Projects, Phases, Models and Lots - this section explains the structure of the operations of the system. The basic setup is there, you need to verify it and understand your options and how to use the system.
You need to setup each of these entities- listed above- and all the associated information (tables) to be able to use the HomeBuilder system. They are the core of your operations on which rest your:
- Budgets and Costs providing you with the ability to control the costs and manage your reporting.
- Site Planning and Operations explaining Construction Workflows, Construction Tasks, Planning (Planning lines, i.e. Budgeted Costs) and Scheduling (who does what when).
- Purchasing and managing your vendors and accounts payable.
- Lot Payments and Closing section covering main revenue administration.
- Selling Covers side / ad hoc revenue issues.
- Upgrades and Extras explains the options regarding Selection Packages: Standard Choices (Color Chart) and options available for an additional fee (Upgrades and Extras).
- After-Sales and Warranty explains managing your after sales relationships and warranty responsibilities.
- Reporting and Regulatory section lists specific, ready-to-go reports that rely directly on HomeBuilder Data structure and provide construction industry-specific reports: operational and financial.
- Add-Ons section describes Add- Ons / Extensions of the essential HomeBuilder software that are available for every Localization (every country HomeBuilder is available in).
- Localizations are additional functionalities available for certain geographic areas, e.g.: Canada.
- Release Notes are detailed documents describing our efforts to:
- Improve the existing functionality.
- Add new functionality.
- Address uncovered bug issues.
- Provide updates that make HomeBuilder software work smoothly with the new Business Central releases.